Microsoft Cloud Security Readiness Tool

Microsoft cloud security readiness tool: basically assesses your network infrastructure and produces a non-financial report. So, you get the idea if you can move to Cloud services or not. This framework will ask you 27 questions in six categories, and the screenshots below will give you a small perspective of the assessment.

The decision to deploy cloud computing is a strategic one for each company. Many organizations are curious to learn more about their IT environments and evaluate whether deploying cloud services is appropriate.

Companies who are assessing their own network establishment, are already in the cloud in some way. Primarily if they have a web server that serves their customers through some portals like iBanking or such…can you imagine that they are already providing  cloud services. And yes they are. Companies are showing interest to serve more and more (customers) by integrating their CBS or core software’s which has customer info or transactional info, requesting data momentarily. Focusing on that the integration with their data with their network infrastructure always giving them the upper hand to cater to their customers need.

Facilitating the same, this short survey that assesses your current IT environment with regard to systems, processes, and productivity.  The survey information creates a custom non-commercial report that provides recommendations on your IT state and helps you evaluate the benefits of cloud computing.

CloudSecurityReadinessToolCSRT1 CSRT2 CSRT3 CSRT4 CSRT5 CSRT6 CSRT_Report

An Introduction to Designing Reliable Cloud Services: Learn what Microsoft is thinking about cloud service reliability and how organizations can work together to improve it.


Deploying Highly Available and Secure Cloud Solutions: This whitepaper provides insight on deploying robust cloud solutions to maintain highly available and secure client connections. It highlights real-world examples to discuss scalability issues.

The Microsoft Approach to Cloud Transparency: Learn how Microsoft is using the cloud-specific framework of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), known as the Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) for its cloud solutions.

Using a well thought-out controls framework, organizations can avoid most of the costs related to engaging outside expertise for selecting an appropriate cloud provider, and rely instead on combined efforts that represent years of expertise in the field.

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