Configuring PowerShell Web Access

Ever realized that Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 has the PowerShell feature that can be run from Web Browser? YES it has that feature. Following is a screenshot of that:


Now first thing you have to do is to issue the following command in your server (install the windows feature cmdlet):

Install-WindowsFeature WindowsPowerShellWebAccess –IncludeManagementTools

now add the web application and other required IIS components for PSWA by issuing the following command:

Install-PswaWebApplication –WebApplicationName “pswagateway” –UseTestCertificate

At this stage you should get a certificate warning for using a temp certificate, it would expire in ninety days 🙂 Pls do remember this is by default HTTPS, and this configuration is not the end of the power of PowerShell. But this should be run in a test environment, NOT to be run in a production environment. You can also configure destination computer access connection type:

  • Configuration Type
  • SSL
  • Port Number
  • Application Name

within the same form-based authentication menu. Please remember by default, PSWA uses the ‘Default Web Site’ in IIS. And do use a valid certificate for this process to last.

Further Reading: