A fast process we require to do often; to create multiple mailboxes at one go…
And the Script Follows: (Study the script please for your future growth)
$numberofMailboxes = Read-Host “Enter the Number of Mailboxes you want”
$EnterPrefix = Read-Host “Enter the Prefix of the Account”
$GettingPassword = Read-Host “Enter the Password for the accounts”
$Password = Convertto-SecureString “$GettingPassword” -Asplaintext -Force
$GettingEmailSuffix = “((Get-AcceptedDomain)[0]).Name”
$mail = “@”+”$GettingEmailSuffix”
For($i=0;$i -le $numberofMailboxes;$i++)
$UPN = “$EnterPrefix”+”$i”+”$mail”
$Name = “$EnterPrefix”+”$i”
New-Mailbox -Name $Name -Alias $Name -UserPrincipalName $Upn -Password $Password
And the input required from you:
- Enter the number of mailboxes you want to create
- Enter names of the account; just give it some understandable name
- and provide the generic password for all of the created accounts
The ScreenShot would look like the following: (Tested platforms are located at the end of the post)

Windows Server 2012 | Yes |
Windows Server 2008 R2 | Yes |
Windows Server 2008 | Yes |